5 Common Summer Rashes to Be Aware of in Children


Flatiron Family Medical, hopes each of you are enjoying our unconventional summer and engaging in fun outdoor activities.

We have received many questions about skin rashes and in the article below our own Dr. Kiran Mian discusses common skin rashes. Khat to look out for and what might be done in order to help prevent them:

Poison Ivy and Poison Oak

Do you enjoy the outdoors, camping, and being within an area of trees and plants? One thing to pay attention to during this time is poison ivy and poison oak. Some of the symptoms that children may encounter when exposed to either of these poisonous plants include redness, itching, swelling, blisters, and even struggled breathing. The most important form of protecting yourself and children from this issue is to learn about what these plants look like and steer clear from them if they are ever encountered. Wearing protective clothing, such as long pants and long sleeve shirts also is beneficial in these circumstances.

Heat Rashes

We all love the Summer sun, but important safety precautions should always be taken in order to prevent heat rashes. Heat rashes result from hot weather, especially during times of high humidity, which results in the blockage of pores that keeps perspiration under the skin. The most common identifier of a heat rash is the small red/pink bumps/blisters that are on the skin. Itching may also be experience with a heat rash, as well. An important precaution would be to keep your children within a shaded and dry area, where they are not as exposed to the hot, humid air. Packing a portable fan into your Summer bag may be a great idea in this circumstance. Also, if your child’s skin has any moisture, be sure to dry it in order to help prevent a heat rash.


Being cautious of the insects that are present outdoors is another key factor. Bee and wasp stings, mosquito bites, and fire ants are amongst the list of insects to be careful of during your Summer fun activities. With bites and stings, it is essential to note that some individuals may have an allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) that may result. Symptoms include hives and a rash that results, and even airway impairments that could result in death. To prevent these issues, measures such as avoiding heavy perfumes and bright clothing, utilizing insect/bug repellents, staying away from hives or insect nests, wearing long-sleeved shirts and pants, wearing closed shoes, and making sure to always pay attention to your child’s skin for any bites or sting marks, are beneficial. 

Pool Dermatitis or Folliculitis

Pool dermatitis or folliculitis is another skin condition to be cautious of that can be caused by the chemicals (such as chlorine) that are within a pool, hot tubs, and waterslides. The rash is usually pink, spotted on the skin and there may be itching and blistering of the skin. Be sure to pay attention to any rashes that may present as a result of being within pool water. Precautions that may be taken are showering before and after entering a pool, wearing dry clothing after changing out of swimsuits, and decreasing the amount of swimming in a chlorinated pool. 


Lastly, eczema is another common skin condition that occurs during the Summer. High heat and chlorine in pools can lead to eczema presenting itself within children. The skin tends to be red, scaly, and dry. Common precautions include consulting with a physician for medication recommendations, using an unscented moisturizer, and wearing cotton-based clothing. 

Now that you are aware of the common skin rashes that occur during the Summer continue to enjoy the remaining sun filled days! We hope they are filled with joy and great memories.

If you have additional questions or experiencing any rash like symptoms please feel free to book a virtual or in-office appointment with Dr. Mian.

Sapna Chaudhary